Archive | June 2013

The Cure for Anything

Ever since we were kids, when something was wrong or when one of us was having a bad day, my mom would take us to the beach. No matter the time of the year.


She knew.


The Rocking Chair Theory

Lately, I took the not-very-wise decision to travel to London for a concert.

I say not-very-wise because I am in between two jobs, I am soon moving much closer to London making it more logical to go then, I am not super solid financially, I am in the middle of a visa-process to work abroad, so my passport is currently in the hands of the embassy, and, honestly, there isn’t a BIG reason for me to go there. I just really want to go to that concert.

A proper “caprice”.

And in comes the “Rocking-chair” theory. Whenever Mia and I have doubts about things we want to do, we imagine ourselves, 60 years from now, sitting in rocking chairs and remembering the old times. How do our old selves sound when remembering this decision?

“Hey, remember when you came to London for that concert? We were awesome weren’t we?”

Yep, sounds pretty good to me.



Bad Hair Day?

Not as bad as hers:


Or his:


And if these didn’t make you feel better, try that:

To my ex-roomate Tanya, whose grumpy morning mumbles made me feel good, even on bad hair days  ; )



Cuts and bruises.

When we were kids, we used to brag about them: “j’ai CINQ blessure. Une la, une la,…” We were a wall of fame of our best falls, and every scar had a story behind it.

Every time we had a wound, our moms used to draw a big comforting sun/flower with the red “mercurochrome” on them. Then, as the days went by, we used to scratch the surface to see what would happen: will there be blood or is it healed already? Same with the bruises, we used to observe their transformation from red to blue, to purple and yellow.

Today, if we have a minuscule scratch on our finger, we take care of it as if our whole arm will fall off otherwise. And god forbid we should scratch the surface: “it will leave a trace. FOREVER.”

But really, if you think of it, our bruises make us feel alive. The “watch your step” or the “wet floor” signs are for the older people. As long as your body can function, use it every way you can. Challenge that wet floor sign by organizing a gliding competition in the hallway. Climb the next tree you see, jump up a fence. No good story ever started with a wise decision.


And worse comes to worst, you always have the cool multicolored cartoon band-aids.

(Thanks Lyno for the inspiration)



“I feel like I’ve swallowed a cloudy sky.”
— Haruki Murakami, Sputnik Sweetheart


Disturb The Comfortable



(thanks Junior**)


Hum It, I’ll Play It


A few months ago, Hind gave me the link to an awesome blog ( that features new inventions, new artistic creations/initiatives, and other cool things. I subscribed to it, and since then, I’ve been discovering so many amazing things and thanking Hind every-single-time I do, hahaha.

A few days ago, I came up to her to tell her about all the music apps I discovered on the blog and how crazy it is that anyone can make music now, and I think that, towards the end of the conversation, I was actually singing.

Hind’s reaction?: “Please Unsubscribe.”

So for the music fans, here are two of the amazing inventions/apps that are available, enjoy!!