Archive | February 2012

The Red Dot


Try this,Β It will drive you crazy!


Smoothing Song of the day:

“Hold Heart”- Emiliana Torrini


Happy Wednesday πŸ™‚





This drawing cracked me up… it is so true!


Although Laziness feels so good,

And although it’s easy to find excuses,


If you cave, you won’t get much done today, so



And here’s a song to get you pumped up!

“Pumped Up Kicks”- Foster The People

Happy Monday!



… this one’s for you, wherever you are.



And when you think about it, it really is!

Imagine yourself in a situation where you’re talking to someone and you see, you KNOW, that that person is not listening, their eyes are moving too much, or they are waiting for the end of your sentence to glance at their phones, etc.. Not a very nice feeling right? Well same goes for you:

Song of The Day:

“Is it Wicked Not to Care”- Belle and Sebastian


Cocoa Madness

Admit it, that’s how nutella makes us feel inside:

Song of the day:

“Food in The Belly”- Xavier Rudd

Never a quitter πŸ™‚





“Imagine”- John Lennon

It’s easy if you try…


Play on Words

You gotta love those witty play on words!

And the best for last!

aaaand this will be the song of the day: “Jammin”- Bob Marley


P.S: Happy Birthday Pap!


Random smiles

I cam across the below and thought I’d share πŸ™‚


Happy song of the day:

“Walk of Life”- Dire Straits

Have a great day!



Just Listen

One of my favorite movie lines is the one from August Rush: “The music is all around us. All you have to do is listen.”

I must admit that in China, it’s a bit hard to get used to the music. Since the meaning of the words can change a lot depending on the tone with which you say them, the sentences already have an uneven melody, so trying to create a song with that is a challenge! But this has actually pushed me to find music elsewhere, to search for it, to create it…

This guys mad a music track with the tree in his backyard as his instrument. Super creative!:


And the song/video of the day is the scene in “August Rush” where he discovers the guitar:



Big Jumps

Song of the day:

“Big Jumps”- Emiliana Torrini

“Make some big jumps, big jumps you afraid to break some bones
come on make some big jumps, big jumps life is yours alone”


So believe. And do it.