Archive | February 2013


When I learned the word “hedonism” at school, it was associated with only negative connotations. As if looking for pleasure was bad. pff.

Little by little, I started creating my own definition of hedonism, and I really think we are all hedonists in a way.

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At my old job, we used to sometimes meet in Nabil’s office: he’d play his guitar, Marwan would bang on his little computerized drum mat and I would pick my “derbakke” up for a jam session. Yara, Wassim and Shayna would join for an improvised song about our work-related problems. Once, even the general manager was part of the band and we were all singing at the top of our lungs “squeeze timings, squeeze timings…” It felt good, and it was the exact definition of finding a fun aspect to anything you do.


Even if in many cases it is not the ideal thing to do, I’d say:95203be328214e29aaf715b7ec684b0b

… and let your future self handle the rest!


Signs, Rectified.


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Shaun, this one’s for you (and your wittiness) 🙂




I’m not a big cook. But this past weekend, my internet was cut-off so I ended up trying out a few recipes I had been wanting to try out for a while now.

Turns out, I’m not that bad of a cook, it’s just that I am too impatient to wait for the food to be ready. I have a staring contest with the rice while it’s cooking, I start washing dishes and then realize that my fish fingers are burning, I eat half of the chocolate sauce when I’m baking cookies…e1cd22987d5c951eaef605cf1467c7bf

By the way, the food tasted really good (just putting it out there). 🙂

(Thanks McAllister 🙂 )


System 2


In the book “Thinking Fast and Slow”, the author describes the two types of thinking, system 1 and system 2.

System 2 is the deliberate and conscious way of thinking. It is in use when we actively think of a situation (what to have for dinner, performing a mathematical equation, etc..). System 1 is the unconscious way of thinking. It’s driven by instinct and happens with no effort (it makes a quick impression of any given situation, and determines whether it calls for added attention or not).

The part I found to be the most interesting is when the author goes on to say that we are less likely to activate System 2 when we are tired or hungry. A study had actually been made and it was found that the rate at which parole judges grant paroles drops increasingly the further away the judges were removed from their last meal or break time.

My sister always joked about me losing all focus when I’m hungry, well now I have a scientifical psychological analysis to cover me 😉



Sunshine In A Song



Turn it up!


I Like


I once heard a person talking about the wave of “Liketivism”: thinking that you did good/helped a cause by liking it on Facebook. He explained that once we “like” a cause virtually, our mind is tricked into thinking that we actually did something to help that cause, when actually, all we did was click a little icon.


“J’aime pas la guerre ni la misère, c’est énervant.
Tu trouves ça peut-être politiquement correct…
Mais moi j’t’emmerde !”


No Sir


Sounds about right!