Archive | June 2012

Save The Planet?

hahaha, it makes so much sense!


Monday Mood



Sunday Morning


Song of the day: “The Lazy Song”- Bruno Mars


Do nothing today, you can 🙂



Not So The World Can See You

“Climb the mountain not to plant your flag, but to embrace the challenge, enjoy the air and behold the view. Climb it so you can see the world, not so the world can see you.”  

– David McCullough Jr., English teacher at Wellesley High School

[The full commencement speech is here (Worth a read) :]

Song of the day: “Big Black Car”- Gregory Alan Isakov


Group Hug!




Not A Robot

Song of the day: “I Am Not a Robot”- Marina And The Diamonds

“It’s okay to say you’ve got a weak spot
You don’t always have to be on top”


Those Little Things…

… That fill your heart.


(Thank you Cyril) 🙂



The last exercise of our yoga class every week is laying on our backs for about 5 minutes with a soothing music. 5 minutes of just laying there, eyes closed, silently.

At that point, everyone is exhausted and the sun has started to go down making the colors of the stained glass dance on the walls of the chapel in which we train.

And it has become my weekly reflection moment. I “go out of my body” and try to see myself from an outside perspective. I realized that I rarely pause and think anymore; with all the small things that happen in my day, I don’t make time to see the big picture.

Song of the day: “Across The Universe”- The Beatles

“Pools of sorrow waves of joy
Are drifting through my opened mind
Possessing and caressing me.”


Guilt Trip

What is done is done, and you had to do it. Don’t feel guilty, because it’s a weight that serves no purpose. It really literally serves no purpose.

And you know what? Everybody gets over everything. It just takes time. Word.

Guilt trips are the easiest form of manipulation. Don’t fall in the trap.

They WILL get over it.

Song of the day: “Herzan”- SoapKills (Tripping song by a Lebanese band )

“Ma fi chi herzan”



Never Too Old

Last week, we had a Disney movie night. We plugged the computer in the TV, turned off the lights and put “The Beauty and The Beast” on. And it was one of the best nights in.

I’m telling you, watching an old Disney movie with your friends is a whole new experience, we couldn’t stop laughing and discovered things we hadn’t noticed as kids. So, here are some of our findings: The pendulum clock makes out with the feather duster at some point in the movie; towards the end, the Beast becomes super cheesy and has the most cliche pick-up lines; Phillip the horse, as cute as he is, is absolutely useless in Belle’s adventure; we spotted a lot of witty jokes in the songs and found shocking resemblances between the characters and people we know 🙂

It was as if we were watching a whole different movie!

So dig out your old cassettes, I guarantee you will have a great time.

Song of the day: “Be Our Guest”- The Beauty and The Beast